The Benefits of an Ergonomic Chair SIGMA OFFICE

The Benefits of an Ergonomic Chair

The daily use of an ergonomic chair, offers you a good posture, keeps you in a strong position and improves the pelvic health.

The “smart mechanisms” for adjusting the stiffness of the back tilt, the rolling of the chair as well as the height adjustment of the waist cushion and the headrest maintain a CORRECT posture.

When sitting in an ergonomic chair, your thighs point down and are at a 90o angle to each other.

The curve created at the waist allows the pelvis to tilt forward, which ensures the natural and neutral position of the spine

When you are sitting in the correct position, you automatically breathe better, as relaxing your neck allows uninterrupted blood flow to the brain.

Of course, it is necessary at regular intervals to get up from the seat to unwind or walk or even exercise for few minutes.

Are you sitting properly ??

IF NOT, why don’t you try our new series Managerial Ergonomic Chairs so you feel safe, saying goodbye to the problems caused by the incorrect sitting posture !!!
