After sales service SIGMA OFFICE

After sales service.


The company aims to serve its customers in order to become loyal customers, which is especially important. The customer loyalty is not given, depending on their experience and the quality of service they receive. The quality of service has objective characteristics eg. Branded and quality office furniture and seating products that offer comfort, ergonomics, reliability etc. and in fact every customer subjectively perceived quality in service, naming service quality that meets the expectations.

The company pays particular attention to the following:

- The service is the provision of services, ie activities that generate added value for the customer, on issues related to the comfort, ergonomics, reliability, his help (eg. Service and supply of spare parts for the products, etc.) . The benefit assessment is subjective for each customer because everyone has different expectations. The quality of customer service for the product to be purchased and the fulfillment of the expectations, are the measure of success of the company SIGMA.

- The quality of our customer service therefore depends solely on the subjective expectations and if the cover, then we have managed to serve really. If our proper planning of activities to achieve beyond their expectations by offering them something they do not expect (such as planning proposals in their area, free ergonomic advice, design, etc.) he has succeeded to have satisfied and loyal customers.

The SIGMA company considers obligation to be located beside the customer both before sale and after providing advice, support and guidance to the customer.


The after sales service department of our company is at your disposal to provide you any information.



You can contact us:

- Telephone,

  - Via email (,

- By visiting our stores.



31 Anagenniseos str         
N. Filadelphia.

Τηλ : +30 210 27 200 11      
Fax : +30 210 27 200 19

35 Adrianoupoloes str
55 133, Kalamaria.

Tηλ : +30 2310 314 222 - 2310 780 018
Fax: +30 2310 780 016

