Save 5 hours a week, in 5 minutes. SIGMA OFFICE

Save 5 hours a week, in 5 minutes.


Whoever you are, whatever you do, your day will always be 24 hours - and it is never enough.


At the end of the day, we are all in a position to wonder what went wrong and why we did not manage to do everything we wanted to. Nice. Sigma team has painted the solution:

So how about exchanging the 5 minutes it takes to read this article, with 5 extra hours each week?

The proper time management can do many things, but not miracles.

That is why we need to make better use of technology, and integrate innovation, in order to better organize our daily lives.

These concepts must come out of the colorful frames on the walls of the offices, and enter our lives.


1. Ivy Lee's age-old list.



Thomas Edison described Charles M. Schwab as the "most active smoothie" as the latter always found new ways to beat the competition.

In 1918, Schwab, one of the richest people in the world, met Ivy Lee, and a very small tip brought about the biggest changes.

Mr. Lee's frighteningly simple method states:

1. At the end of each day, write down the 6 most important things you need to do tomorrow. - Only 6. No more!

2. Set a priority for the above, which reflects your needs.

3. The next morning, focus exclusively on the first goal until it is completed, before moving on to the second.

4. Repeat the above for each subsequent goal.

* At the end of each day, prepare the plan for the next. If any of these 6 did not make it, evaluate it, and if you need it, it will be your first "check" for the next day.

Let us dwell on one detail. Why is it important to decide from the previous night what will be your first goal the next day? Because that's how the "starting friction" disappears. Going for a run is difficult only when you are sitting on your couch. When you are out and about with your sportswear, it feels like a game.

Putting the above in order, a distinction must be made between what is time urgent and what is really important. One of the most creative activities is decision making - what will be destroyed to create something new? Creativity is a great story, which we will tell one more time.


2. Do not be afraid of technology…





Or she should be afraid of you, because we will make it work 24/7 for you! You have a smartphone, a computer and the internet, that's enough. You do not need a pointed hat and a big beard to start controlling time.

1. Automate your processes:

  • Tools like Buffer or Hootsuite can make the social media management a two-hour activity every Friday, instead of a permanent chase. With strong statistics to support your every decision and large material libraries, from a simple player you will become a coach. Sat comfortably on your chairand watched the posts run on their own.


  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a software that helps you maximize your revenue by increasing your customer satisfaction. Such software collects and stores data about a company's customers, suppliers, partners, and internal processes. A quick look at Salesforce, Insightly and Zoho CRM will put you in their world.


  • Email Marketing, the most value for money tool. If you continue to send your emails one by one or just use an excel list to find your contacts, leave this article, open a new tab, download one of MailChimp, Campaigner or myEmma, and come back! Well, now that we're on the same page, you can dedicate an afternoon and prepare some nice templates. Thus, each subsequent email will be prepared in a few minutes and will be sent automatically to the lists you have prepared. Take some time today to automate your communication forever!


2. Bubble-bubble:

Forget the words USB stick. You, a SIGMA office, and the internet. The time it takes to transfer a file from your computer to the bottle and vice versa is more than enough to build a handy library for all our files on Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, or any other cloud storage we want.



3. The Diary - the most romantic in the office.


sigma office



We know what day it is and what needs to be done during it.

What we will need now is to allocate our time efficiently, to catch them all!

Ready? Let's go:

  • Turn off notifications when you're working.

  • Focus on one action at a time.

  • Determine the time you will leave the office. It will push you to be more productive right away.

  • Set and keep enough but short breaks. Walk during the day.

  • Make time for a healthy meal. Let's start with breakfast. On the one hand, make time for it, after a healthy sleep. It will help you do so much more, in less time, every day. Lack of water is the first cause of headaches - no, coffee or beer does not help.

  • Make your next meeting in a Standing Office. Yes, standing up, but not "on foot", it makes a difference! It will help you stay on topic.


  • Organize your office space around the various tasks you do. After all, a modern office, can be cut and sewn for you! An engineer's uniform may be full of stains, but every small and large tool has its place and use. By the same token, each shelf, surface,chair and "piece of equipment" in your space, must exist to serve a purpose. 




There is no magic click - but there is a magic recipe!

Take advantage of some or all of the above tips and see your available time increase and your backlogs settled faster. All of us in Sigma, we are here to help you make your daily life even better.

Stop running. Start doing it!


Call to Action:

Sigma knows beyond equipment ... life in the office!


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